Nina Carini

Nina Carini

I confini di Babele

to access the vision write to
Babel as the prototype of every possible confusion.
Andrea Moro is an Italian linguist and neuro-scientist. He studies the syntax theory of human languages and the relationship between language and brain. The first to have brought conclusive empirical data in favor of the hypothesis that the syntax format of human languages is not a cultural, social or conventional fact, but is deeply rooted in the neurobiological structure of the brain.
Whenever two words are combined by virtue of some trait, it is said that an addiction is established between them
Via dei Transiti, as well as the city of Milan, has turned into a hub of different ethnicities that intersect daily, but not they talk to each other. The area between Viale Monza and Via Padova represents the vanguard of a multicultural integration that must necessarily include all citizens and, therefore, organize forms of socialization among the different ethnic groups. In imagining a site-specific work I have thought to create an infinite abstract phrase that would give voice to all these people. In my latest research the voice becomes almost the protagonist of the image. Placing myself at the exit of the subway, I asked a question to the people who came or went: what is the word you think you use the most during your day? An infinite set of Italian and foreign words were found. The construction of the two sentences took place as if it were a linguistic game. The voice becomes the protagonist, sometimes complicating communication, so that the only word that is repeated becomes mantra.
Sound Installation, 2018
05’30’’, composition of voices, 2 speaker, 2 recharge, 2 painted iron boxes, variable size

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