Nina Carini

Occhi in lacrime

Occhi in lacrime is the title of a work that reminds us of the lavish earrings worn by the Empress Theodora in a mosaic conserved in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna. But, for the artist, they can accompany us to the dividing line between the visible and the invisible, between finitude and infinity. Here, the artist surprises us by countering the static nature of the other forms in the exhibition with a dynamism that seems almost a homage to the work of Alexander Calder. A suspended column with a small mechanism moves slowly, prompting amazement and conceding us a dialogue with the sky and stars that suddenly fall to the ground.
Rischa Paterlini

Installation , unique work, 2023
column, 16 chains, 180 pieces of glass (x), connected via a system comprising hooks, microperforated ring, brass chain and dome, revolving motor on the ceiling, variable size

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