Nina Carini



A call to the arts! For 24h CALL ME POET Let’s meet on the horizon is a 24-hour performance in which Nina Carini calls people from the world of culture (all arts are invited to participate) to intervene by reading poems. Nina Carini will be physically at Casa Testori during the day and at Casa degli Artisti at night but a virtual platform will allow the meeting and put everyone in contact. Intellectuals, poets, philosophers, to express their state of mind in this extraodinary momen of our existence. “The meeting wants to become a sing within this chaotich present, like a comma within a text” states the artist,
Photography, 2023
Frame from the virtual performance For 24h CALL ME POET!, printed on fine art paper, 45 x 80 cm

Virtual performance held on 16 December 2020 in Casa Testori and Casa degli Artisti

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